Our Song & for the 'in' Crowd

Our Song & for the 'in' Crowd
  • 5 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
17,79 €Bei Amazon ansehenKaufe jetzt
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Our Song & for the 'in' Crowd

Our Song & for the 'in' Crowd

17,79 €

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Kundenrezensionen (4)

8 Mai 2015

The In Crowd

I too am more interested in "The In Crowd" than I am the first album.

28 Februar 2014

14 GREAT tracks by crooner Jack Jones

There are two albums on this album for a total of 24 songs.

3 Dezember 2013

Jack Jones' Our Song and The 'IN' Crowd

I love Jack Jones' "Our Song" album and have for almost fifty years, there is nothing bad I can say about it.

25 Oktober 2013

Rather mixed collection of tracks from the mid '60s.

This CD has 24 tracks , of which the first 12 are ballads and the remainder are mostly cover versions of more \" pop \" oriented material.

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