Harper Collins Publ. UK

The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things
  • 5 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
8,50 €Bei Amazon ansehen
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The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things

8,50 €

Kundenrezensionen (2)

13 Juni 2023

The odour and colour of India

It's a familytale spanning over decades in soutwest India. It's a breathtaking tale of a hidden mystery. It's a tale about two-egged twins. It's a tale about love. It's a tale of the various amounts of colours, odours and little things in India. It's a tale you will never forget. From the beginning of the book you will be drawn into the world of soutwest India and you will feal it with all your senses. "The river shrinks and black crows gorge in bright mangoes in still, dustgreen trees. Red ban

5 Juni 2023

Fantastic story

Besides this being a moving story in many ways, it is wonderful to get so much color of the place and the people through the story-telling. What a desperate life so many people have, and this reminds is of some of the historical causes, though only as needed for the story. Though so much of what happens is heart-breaking, and after we already know that the story does not really have a happy ending , Roy places the most beautiful moment in the tale at the end of the book.

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