Brand: Arizona Highways Books

All About Saguaros

All About Saguaros
  • 5 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
  • Used Book in Good Condition
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All About Saguaros

All About Saguaros

25,79 €

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Kundenrezensionen (6)

18 Oktober 2013

Awesome little book packed with information

Absolutely love this book.

22 April 2012

Desert Giants

This book, apparently commissioned by and/or published by Arizona Highways, provides a lot of introductory information about the giants of the desert: saguaros.

16 Januar 2011

Recomended by our Hortocoltuest

Being from Kansas and buying an older home with beautiful mature cactus in the backyard and wanting to move them to the front we enlisted a professional.

9 Januar 2009

You will LOVE this book.

This basic book has wonderful information about the Saguaro Cactus that is easy for ANYONE to read.

24 Juli 2003

A thorough yet readable overview of saguaro cacti

This book, published by Arizona Highways, presents a broad yet detailed overview of saguaro cacti.

13 April 2000

Our cactus friends!

The first time I visited the Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona, I had dozens of questions about saguaros.

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