State University of New York Press

Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays: "the (Re)Turn of Philosophy Itself" and "Definition of Philosophy" (Suny Series, Intersections, Philosophy and Critical Theory)

Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays:
  • 4 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
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Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays:

Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays: "the (Re)Turn of Philosophy Itself" and "Definition of Philosophy" (Suny Series, Intersections, Philosophy and Critical Theory)

29,15 €

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Kundenrezensionen (2)

19 November 2012

Best of Badiou

Almost all of our `philosophers' are in search of a diverted writing - \"so that the evasive transition of a site's occupation may befall to philosophy's presumably uninhabitable place.

3 Januar 2000

Philosophy or Sophistry?

If anything, Badiou's book poses a serious challenge to the dominance of Heidegger in continental philosophy today.

Rezension Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays: "the (Re)Turn of Philosophy Itself" and "Definition of Philosophy" (Suny Series, Intersections, Philosophy and Critical Theory)

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