Misspent Youth (English Edition)

Misspent Youth (English Edition)
  • 3 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
9,49 €Bei Amazon ansehen
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Misspent Youth (English Edition)

Misspent Youth (English Edition)

9,49 €

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Kundenrezensionen (3)

28 Dezember 2014

Shallow story

The book reads well, but I found the story a little shallow.

16 April 2013

Not a waste of time at all:)

I read the negative reviews, and while I recognize the points people have made about the book, I enjoyed it.

23 Juni 2011

Too much soap-opera not enough sci-fi.

The original rejuvenation is the only real piece of sci-fo in the book, the rest is slightly over-the-top and, more importantly, uninteresting soap opera.

Rezension Misspent Youth (English Edition)

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