The 50 Greatest Moments [UK IMPORT]

The 50 Greatest Moments [UK IMPORT]
  • 4 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
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The 50 Greatest Moments [UK IMPORT]

The 50 Greatest Moments [UK IMPORT]

9,52 €

Kundenrezensionen (10)

21 November 2013

TNA Wrestling: The 50 Greatest Moments

TNA Wrestling produces another good set in there 50 greatest moments.

21 November 2013

Perfect for a newcomer to TNA

Since i was new to TNA at the time i decided to pick up this DVD,i learned alot about the product watching this but some of the moments just didnt seem that big to me att least,while others were pretty cool..

8 Februar 2013

Great DVD set for casual and long time TNA fans alike!!

This is a great DVD compilation set that goes over the 50 greatest moments in TNA history from 2002 to 2006.

23 August 2008


TNA THE 50 GREATEST MOMENTS I have to say that this was a very enjoyable DVD, and while I disagree with some of the moments on here this is absolutely worth your money.

8 Juli 2008

A great introductory DVD to new TNA Wrestling fans

TNA wrestling has been around for nearly five years now.

29 Dezember 2007

Too many moments, not enough greatness

I got this dvd as a gift over the holidays.

18 November 2007


This DVD is chock-full of great moments in TNA history, with some of the biggest stars in the fledgling wrestling organization.

9 Januar 2007


I was very disappointed with the DVD.

3 Januar 2007

The best wrestling DVD of 2006

This is no doubt the best wrestling DVD of 2006.

25 Dezember 2006

A good history lesson for newer fans...

-Like the title says, this is a good DVD for fans who are either just getting into TNA wrestling or started watching it when it debuted on FSN in 06/04 or those that bought the weekly PPV's from the beginning.

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