Grove Press

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Revised Edition)

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Revised Edition)
  • 4 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
  • 2010 revised edition, first printing, new trade softcover, acclaimed
23,99 €Bei Amazon ansehenKaufe jetzt
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Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Revised Edition)

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Revised Edition)

23,99 €

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Kundenrezensionen (10)

18 Juli 2015

Definitive Tome !!

Jon Anderson has captured the complex character of Guevara and has also provided an encyclopedic list of references for anyone to do further research.

4 Juli 2015

Great book!!

Great book!!

27 Juni 2015

You stop selling anything Connfederate related, yet you still ...

You stop selling anything Connfederate related, yet you still allow this?

25 Juni 2015


Are you kidding me???

24 Juni 2015

Why amazon sells this garbage is beyond me

This man was a racist and communist.

13 Juni 2015

Five Stars

Such an amazing book..

28 Februar 2015

got it in like a week bought it used

Got it in like a week bought it used.

27 Februar 2015

Five Stars

Would stay up till 3am reading it.

25 Januar 2015

Five Stars

This is the real Che, not the legend..

15 Januar 2015

Five Stars

The best book on Che that you can find..

Rezension Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Revised Edition)

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